Thursday, May 3, 2012

Goodbye and Good Luck

     This year has been the best year of my life by far. I will never forget the people I've met or the things we've done. My favorite memory from this year is probably the Music Man and just being included in such an amazing experience. The arts saved my life; the department means everything to me. Being involved in the arts taught me to love myself- something I could never bring myself to do before high school. The most important thing I've learned, however, is just to love. Love everyone. Love yourself, love your friends, love the Lord. You have nothing if you don't have love. 
     There are three things I would tell the upcoming freshmen. First, be okay with who you are. If you go through freshman year feeling self-conscious, you will feel that way for the rest of high school. Don't worry what people say about you. You can NOT please everyone, and all that drama is catty and petty. To be blatantly honest, it ruins the year if you let people's opinions get to you. Just be yourself and LOVE it. You're a pretty awesome person, people just don't know it yet. Second, find your group of friends. A group of friends that love you and accept you is THE most important thing to have this year. You will need people to fall back on when you can't handle life yourself. My friends are everything to me, I literally would not be here right now without them. I'm not going to tell you you have to go find a boyfriend/girlfriend.... but he's helped me tremendously also. In addition to friends, find where you belong. Sports, drama, choir, whatever you love best. That will become your family. Lastly, work hard. My only regret this year is not doing my best and slacking off. This is going to KILL me later, and I'm really not looking forward to it. Don't skip homework- zeros are NOT okay. Homework is the most important, it boosts your grade SO much. All the freshman teachers are AWESOME. Despite what you might think, they love you and just want the best for you. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Value of Freedom

In the novel The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, readers are provided with symbolism and themes. The theme that stood out most to me was the value of freedom. Most people these days take our freedom for granted. We have never been without it, so we don't know how much it means to be free. In this novel, readers see the years following the Civil War from the perspective of a black slave, Jane Pittman. She fights hard for her freedom, taking risks and putting her life on the line. At first, when reading the novel, I didn't understand why freedom was so valuable to the slaves. It doesn't seem like a big deal now because I'm so used to it. However, but the end of the novel, I knew exactly why. Those people had nothing. They couldn't be anyone but who their masters decided they were, they weren't seen as equal, and they didn't have any privileges or responsibilities. Gaining insight to how important this was for them made me appreciate my freedom much more.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Thinking Twice

In my English class this semester, we're reading the novel The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. This book is about a freed slave girl's struggle after the Civil War ended. It describes her journey, and although it was not actually written by the girl, the author puts you in her shoes extremely well. The book conveys many stereotypes associated with the black community during the Civil War period. Some examples are that they were stupid, slow, lazy, and vengeful. In The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, Jane, the main character, disproves many of these stereotypes. She is cunning; she avoids the Secesh, the southern army, many times. She never gives up, even when she's physically exhausted. She is also the exact opposite of lazy. She basically mothers a young boy, Ned, and helps him make the journey to freedom. Together, they walk miles and miles daily. She respects whites when they earn her respect. She is feisty, but knows her limits. Jane is a perfect example of someone who makes people think twice about their quick judgement.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Criminal Minds

My favorite show for a number of reasons is Criminal Minds. It's about an elite team of agents in the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. They solve crimes by trying to think like the offender. It's high action, thought provoking, and leaves you wanting to watch another 'case.' Every episode is brand new; all the cases are unique. This show keeps you guessing; it's interesting and exciting, and is also very educational. All the characters are amazing, the script is great, and every 'case' the profilers must solve is challenging, Criminal Minds is definitely not for squeamish people. It's full of blood and action, and it certainly leaves you locking your doors at night. If you like that kind of thing, I really encourage that you watch this show.

Monday, November 21, 2011

My Friends are Everything

Since Thanksgiving is coming up, I've really been thinking about what I'm most thankful for. The answer is simple: my friends. My friends mean the world to me and have brought me through times I couldn't get through on my own. I have made so many new friends this year; it's amazing to me. The strongest bonds I've ever had with a person were made in such short time that I don't know how we did it. God has blessed me with the best family of friends I could ever hope to have, and I know they'll always be there for me and love me no matter what I get into. This year has been amazing so far, and it's my friends that made it that way. They're helping me through the hardest time of my life, and I can never thank them enough. I'm so grateful God has put these people in my life. I love every single one of them more than I can ever hope to express.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Finally! An Idea!

I finally have an idea of what I want to do as a career. Today was career day at my school, and we had guest speakers from many professions to come and talk to us about the jobs they have. The sessions I attended were social work/psychotherapy, performing arts, ER medicine, and music. The session I enjoyed most was the social work/psychotherapy. The speaker was very smart and interesting, and that's the career I'm most interested in. She talked about working in mental facilities and how her patients were the funniest and most interesting people she's ever met. I had never heard that point of view on mental patients before, and it struck me today that this is a career I would really enjoy. She had such a passion and love for the mentally ill that it has really inspired me to get involved in this career choice.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Portia's Monologue: My English Project

My English class just finished the reading play Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare. It is the story of Roman men who decide to kill their new king because they think his power will go his head and he will destroy Rome. We had to do a project at the end of the unit, and I chose to perform a monologue spoken by the protagonist's wife, Portia. In the monologue, she is begging her husband, Brutus, to tell her why he's been so anxious lately. She doesn't know it's because he's about to betray his best friend, Caesar. It's a very powerful monologue, and even though I did not perform it well in class at all, it is very moving onstage.

You have ungently, Brutus,
stole from my bed, and yesternight at supper
you suddenly arose and walked about
musing and sighing with arms across
and when I asked you what the matter was
you stared upon me with ungentle looks
I urged you further, then you scratched your head
and too impatiently stamped with your foot
yet I insisted, yet you answered not
but with an angry wafture of your hand
gave sign for me to leave you so I did
fearing to strenghten that impatience
which seemed much too enkindled and withal
hoping it was an effect of humor
which sometimes hath his hour with every man
It will not let you eat, nor talk, nor sleep
and could it work so much upon your shape
as it hath prevailed in your condition.
I should not know you, Brutus. Dear my lord,
make me acquainted with your cause of greif.