Thursday, May 3, 2012

Goodbye and Good Luck

     This year has been the best year of my life by far. I will never forget the people I've met or the things we've done. My favorite memory from this year is probably the Music Man and just being included in such an amazing experience. The arts saved my life; the department means everything to me. Being involved in the arts taught me to love myself- something I could never bring myself to do before high school. The most important thing I've learned, however, is just to love. Love everyone. Love yourself, love your friends, love the Lord. You have nothing if you don't have love. 
     There are three things I would tell the upcoming freshmen. First, be okay with who you are. If you go through freshman year feeling self-conscious, you will feel that way for the rest of high school. Don't worry what people say about you. You can NOT please everyone, and all that drama is catty and petty. To be blatantly honest, it ruins the year if you let people's opinions get to you. Just be yourself and LOVE it. You're a pretty awesome person, people just don't know it yet. Second, find your group of friends. A group of friends that love you and accept you is THE most important thing to have this year. You will need people to fall back on when you can't handle life yourself. My friends are everything to me, I literally would not be here right now without them. I'm not going to tell you you have to go find a boyfriend/girlfriend.... but he's helped me tremendously also. In addition to friends, find where you belong. Sports, drama, choir, whatever you love best. That will become your family. Lastly, work hard. My only regret this year is not doing my best and slacking off. This is going to KILL me later, and I'm really not looking forward to it. Don't skip homework- zeros are NOT okay. Homework is the most important, it boosts your grade SO much. All the freshman teachers are AWESOME. Despite what you might think, they love you and just want the best for you.